Thursday, March 18, 2010

fastest jaugar


The Fastest Jaguar in the Pool

By Carlos Gonzalez

Freshmen Jose Aguirre may be the winning ticket to victory for SEHS.


         So, who is the fastest Jaguar in the pool? Jose Aguirre, a freshman at South East High School, is definitely the fastest swimmer on the team. Aguirre is plays for the varsity team. Aguirre nickname “ CHAMP” by his teammates, best time is 29 seconds in freestyle.

Freestyle is not really a dance move but actually a form of competition in which any of the standard strokes may be used.

Aguirre puts all of his effort into swimming. Aguirre has committed himself to work hard and push himself to be the fastest.  Also, he is looking forward to upcoming competitions, and trying to make it to the top. Of the swimmers on the team, Aguirre expect himself to be fast and there is really no one stopping him.

Observing his teammates Aguirre said, “their trying their hardest”.

As weeks pass, he now sees his teammates progressing. Aguirre is very proud of his team because when his team began the team started from scratch. As time passed, the whole team has worked together to become successful. Aguirre is finally seeing progress in for know that the team will never give up and work hard with the upcoming meet with Hamilton Thursday 11, 2010.