Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Wet and Drippy News


            Get ready to swim because South East High School swim has started. The swim team is now preparing themselves for upcoming events.

  Ms. Serrano a P.E teacher at SEHS is the coach for the swim team at SEHS. Conditioning began Wednesday, January 13th after school on the track because since students are not on the team, so instead to get ready to swim they are running. Practice schedules are Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Almost 50 people were at the meeting and the conditioning. They had to bring all their paperwork in on that day. The coaches are facing many students on the team, but there can be only 25 girls and 25 boys. The coach is now having tryouts, Serrano said, “we want people serious” and she wanted people to realize that.


At the meeting Serrano passed out the paper for the fundraising. It mostly covered all of the funds for all the equipment and other things. The fundraising papers explained about the equipment, which cost $200 for everything. Students are selling chocolate to pay off their equipment or pay directly to Ms. Serrano. Conditioning will only last till February 16, which determines will be on the team. In conditioning, the main goal is to develop strength, which is a

 Chance to every student to be prepared for tryouts. In conditioning there were many types of work out routines and tools to help them. Starting February 16, 2010 there is going to be morning practices. Which will take place at SEHS gym.

Morning practice starts at 5:40-6:55. This seems very early for people who are dedicating their time to be successful.  This can be a stress for student that hasn’t done any type of workout. When conditioning starts students cant miss more than 3 times. If so, their are automatically out of the team. The student is in the team they can’t miss more than 3 times which is the same as. Also apply for next year if interest on being on the team. 

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