Friday, October 30, 2009

The truth of Abraham Mirles........( G.O.S.S) interview

The person I interveiw was Abraham Mirles. I ask many question to Abraham on a formal G.O.S.S interview. The first question i ask him was " What are your goals for collage and his response was " has no idea".He sound unsure about his goals in the future. The second question was what are your obstacle on getting to your goals his said " School". He wasn't suprise when i ask him that question. the third question was what are your solution on getting to collage and he said " he has no clue or idea on what to do". He feelt uncaring about his future about college. My last question for him was how are you going to start paying of your college payment and said " start work at a fast food or resturant. He really wanted cash to pay of his payment and other things.

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