Thursday, December 17, 2009

H1N1 VAccine alert

H1N1 Vaccine and how it’s affecting us?
H1N1 alert update information for student at South East High School. There is now a vaccine cure for the flu that has been spreading all over. This Vaccine is the key to your safety and secures your health. This day’s people are wondering they should or should not take the vaccine. I ask Elizabeth a parent student at SEHS she quote that “that this vaccine just been released to everybody with no clue what’s in it”.
So far people are willing to take vaccine. Vanessa Lorenzano a student at SEHS said she has taken the vaccine. Some might see it’s uncomfortable to take it but Vanessa said “at first I felt uncomfortable from the diagnosis test”. Antonio a freshmen at SEHS said “I felt conformable after they gave me a lollipop”, also Vanessa took her vaccine at the Care More Medical Center at Downey. The vaccine is a really great help for the safety of your family and yourself. She said “It better to take this vaccine for my safety and to not be infected”.
This flu has been spreading some part of the U.S and also South America. People now are changing there ways to live around themselves. A young teen near his block has seen changes around his neighborhood his name was Justin, he said “This flu has changed everybody living”. People want when to expect when the flue is over? Also how many vaccines are going to be disturbed to everyone? Justin said “My guess on when to have the vaccine due probably next year”. I ask Vanessa and responded “Hopefully next year”.
People now a days are wearing masks for protection and even in hospital when nurses or doctor were mask to not infect them self’s. As I went to a trip to the hospital and saw that people all around me were wearing mask. At the hospital a girl name Jamee was getting diagnosis with the flu. At first she was scared about everybody around her because she felt uncomfortable about every thing she saw and felt. Weeks pasted and she became comfortable with her surroundings. Many doctors were very busy and all the room were spotless. The nurse told me many basic and easy ways to not get infected. 1) Wash your hand at a time 2) Make sure do not rub your face with dirty hand 3) Stay clean. In this case it can really affect everyone including the one you care and love about.


  1. wats up carlos this story is cool because it's about somthing thats goin on now, thanks for the tips on keeping safe.

  2. Carlos your story was good, it had good information and explained a lot about the disease H1N1. Your story had good facts that informed your readers very much about the virus, and what you can do to prevent from spreading it or getting the disease. You had no mistakes or incorrect grammar, you had the correct MLA format. Overall it was a good story.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This article is great because it is informing us that the H1N1 vaccine is available in some hospitals and clinics. This article can inform my friends because they have wanted to find out where they would get a vaccine. It gives us tips on how to keep safe from epidemic diseases going around like this one. There are H1N1 vaccine clinics in Compton, Cerritos, and Pamona that give out those vaccines to the public.
