Monday, May 24, 2010

The Lady Jaguar lost the play-offs.

“Unity is Very important if you want to win,” says Ms. Garcia

By Carlos Gonzalez

Times Staff Writer

                         Lady Jaguars went to play-offs and ranked 7th in their division. Their first game was against Lincoln High School, which lost first round 3-0. “Half of the team didn’t really cooperate on the field,” said Ms. Garcia, an assistant coach from the SEHS softball team, “ Working as a team is important than working as an individual”. There was a lack of communication with the whole team, which brought them down. 


 Last years playoffs were against Garfield, a home game. Their overall record was 19-3. They had won against Garfield on their last playoff, which gave the softball team an undefeated title.


 The star players on the softball team are Michelle Rivas their pitcher, 3rd base Natalia Morales, shortstop Arren Nunez and catcher Amanda Olazabell all seniors, at SEHS. Ms. Garcia said they are all the main reason they lead the team undefeated and strong for having the four undefeated title. Winning the undefeated last year title really made an affect to the softball team. Without their star players, the team would have been not as good as they are today. Garcia believes that the seniors have a good work ethics, loyalty to their sports respect and gave their 100 % effort.


            This year the team will defiantly will make a difference and make their team allot better. Ms. Garcia feels that next year she is going to have a brand new team and she is really looking forward to next season starting in September. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Softball makes a hit

Softball Makes a Hit!


Carlos Gonzalez


Mayra Lopez


SEHS softball Varsity and JV played with Garfield and Bell.

On April 7th South East High School Varsity and JV Softball played against Bell High School. Varsity Bell played SEHS at home. As for JV SEHS played bell at home.

            SEHS Varsity wins against Bell High School 1 to 0. During the game many were anxious for winning as it got harder and there wasn’t much time left, but it didn’t stop Varsity from losing the game. Arren Nunez a senior hit the winning run for SEHS and won the game for the Varsity team.

            SEHS JV lost badly against Bell 14 to 3.  Ms. Garcia, the SEHS softball coach, says, “They were young and inexperienced”. Bell was intense with SEHS JV being the first to give competition. Even though they had lost jaguars left with pride and will play with more spirit and strength for the next play off.

            On April 8 SEHS Varsity softball team played against Garfield winning 5 to 1 with a team effort. Ace pitcher, Michelle Rivas, a senior, made a one hitter during the game. Arren Nunez made a homerun for the team. 

            SEHS JV won Garfield 11 to 9. Jasmine Alonzo stood out as leader and captain of the JV Softball team.             

            The Varsity team is winning the lead with 6 to 0. JV is winning the lead 5 to 1.

            “Varsity and JV Softball teams are taking the lead on the championships,” says Ms. Garcia, Softball Coach.



Thursday, March 18, 2010

fastest jaugar


The Fastest Jaguar in the Pool

By Carlos Gonzalez

Freshmen Jose Aguirre may be the winning ticket to victory for SEHS.


         So, who is the fastest Jaguar in the pool? Jose Aguirre, a freshman at South East High School, is definitely the fastest swimmer on the team. Aguirre is plays for the varsity team. Aguirre nickname “ CHAMP” by his teammates, best time is 29 seconds in freestyle.

Freestyle is not really a dance move but actually a form of competition in which any of the standard strokes may be used.

Aguirre puts all of his effort into swimming. Aguirre has committed himself to work hard and push himself to be the fastest.  Also, he is looking forward to upcoming competitions, and trying to make it to the top. Of the swimmers on the team, Aguirre expect himself to be fast and there is really no one stopping him.

Observing his teammates Aguirre said, “their trying their hardest”.

As weeks pass, he now sees his teammates progressing. Aguirre is very proud of his team because when his team began the team started from scratch. As time passed, the whole team has worked together to become successful. Aguirre is finally seeing progress in for know that the team will never give up and work hard with the upcoming meet with Hamilton Thursday 11, 2010.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Wet and Drippy News


            Get ready to swim because South East High School swim has started. The swim team is now preparing themselves for upcoming events.

  Ms. Serrano a P.E teacher at SEHS is the coach for the swim team at SEHS. Conditioning began Wednesday, January 13th after school on the track because since students are not on the team, so instead to get ready to swim they are running. Practice schedules are Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Almost 50 people were at the meeting and the conditioning. They had to bring all their paperwork in on that day. The coaches are facing many students on the team, but there can be only 25 girls and 25 boys. The coach is now having tryouts, Serrano said, “we want people serious” and she wanted people to realize that.


At the meeting Serrano passed out the paper for the fundraising. It mostly covered all of the funds for all the equipment and other things. The fundraising papers explained about the equipment, which cost $200 for everything. Students are selling chocolate to pay off their equipment or pay directly to Ms. Serrano. Conditioning will only last till February 16, which determines will be on the team. In conditioning, the main goal is to develop strength, which is a

 Chance to every student to be prepared for tryouts. In conditioning there were many types of work out routines and tools to help them. Starting February 16, 2010 there is going to be morning practices. Which will take place at SEHS gym.

Morning practice starts at 5:40-6:55. This seems very early for people who are dedicating their time to be successful.  This can be a stress for student that hasn’t done any type of workout. When conditioning starts students cant miss more than 3 times. If so, their are automatically out of the team. The student is in the team they can’t miss more than 3 times which is the same as. Also apply for next year if interest on being on the team. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Making my winter break awsome!!!

Leonardo Martinez a student at south East High School, Had an awsome time in winter break. During winter break Leonardo went skatingat South Gate Park were he hang, chill and skate. As began Martinez got a brand new phone a LG Neon. Martinez began to jump around yelling out around the house with his freinds. Martinez was so happy and excited to get his new phone. Martinez did many thing in new year. Martinez and his family started to go to their aunt house for new years. Martinez was very sick and dizzy at that time. Martinez went over with his freinds house to play Modern warfare 2. Martinez beacme more proffesional at the game and said "I am alright". Most of all he got to do the thing the last min. Martinez said " My winter break is awsome".

Thursday, December 17, 2009

H1N1 VAccine alert

H1N1 Vaccine and how it’s affecting us?
H1N1 alert update information for student at South East High School. There is now a vaccine cure for the flu that has been spreading all over. This Vaccine is the key to your safety and secures your health. This day’s people are wondering they should or should not take the vaccine. I ask Elizabeth a parent student at SEHS she quote that “that this vaccine just been released to everybody with no clue what’s in it”.
So far people are willing to take vaccine. Vanessa Lorenzano a student at SEHS said she has taken the vaccine. Some might see it’s uncomfortable to take it but Vanessa said “at first I felt uncomfortable from the diagnosis test”. Antonio a freshmen at SEHS said “I felt conformable after they gave me a lollipop”, also Vanessa took her vaccine at the Care More Medical Center at Downey. The vaccine is a really great help for the safety of your family and yourself. She said “It better to take this vaccine for my safety and to not be infected”.
This flu has been spreading some part of the U.S and also South America. People now are changing there ways to live around themselves. A young teen near his block has seen changes around his neighborhood his name was Justin, he said “This flu has changed everybody living”. People want when to expect when the flue is over? Also how many vaccines are going to be disturbed to everyone? Justin said “My guess on when to have the vaccine due probably next year”. I ask Vanessa and responded “Hopefully next year”.
People now a days are wearing masks for protection and even in hospital when nurses or doctor were mask to not infect them self’s. As I went to a trip to the hospital and saw that people all around me were wearing mask. At the hospital a girl name Jamee was getting diagnosis with the flu. At first she was scared about everybody around her because she felt uncomfortable about every thing she saw and felt. Weeks pasted and she became comfortable with her surroundings. Many doctors were very busy and all the room were spotless. The nurse told me many basic and easy ways to not get infected. 1) Wash your hand at a time 2) Make sure do not rub your face with dirty hand 3) Stay clean. In this case it can really affect everyone including the one you care and love about.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The truth of Abraham Mirles........( G.O.S.S) interview

The person I interveiw was Abraham Mirles. I ask many question to Abraham on a formal G.O.S.S interview. The first question i ask him was " What are your goals for collage and his response was " has no idea".He sound unsure about his goals in the future. The second question was what are your obstacle on getting to your goals his said " School". He wasn't suprise when i ask him that question. the third question was what are your solution on getting to collage and he said " he has no clue or idea on what to do". He feelt uncaring about his future about college. My last question for him was how are you going to start paying of your college payment and said " start work at a fast food or resturant. He really wanted cash to pay of his payment and other things.